Al-Shawkani’s Methodology in Renunciation of Fanaticism (Fatah Al-Qadeer)


  • Fikri Abdullah Abdul-Jalil Al-Hakimi Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences - College of Education Former Head of the Class Teacher's Department for Basic Education


renunciation, fanaticism, imitation, method, Imam Shawkani


   Imam al-Shawkani is one of the diligent imams who has a great role in reviving the Islamic nation’s scientific and intellectual heritage. Many of the scholars who preceded him stood helplessly in the face of fanaticism and blind imitation of wrong behaviors. This study came in both theoretical and practical aspects to demonstrate the efforts of Imam Al-Shawkani and his fight to spread Islam using the correct methods of wisdom, calmness, and soft speech. Imam Al-Shawkani spread the culture of moderation and the culture of sophisticated dialogue and acceptance of the other with the correct approach desired for our societies and our Islamic nation.
   The research consists of an introduction, a preface, three chapters, a conclusion and an index of topics

Author Biography

Fikri Abdullah Abdul-Jalil Al-Hakimi, Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences - College of Education Former Head of the Class Teacher's Department for Basic Education

Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences - College of Education Former Head of the Class Teacher's Department for Basic Education



How to Cite

Al-Hakimi, F. (2022). Al-Shawkani’s Methodology in Renunciation of Fanaticism (Fatah Al-Qadeer). Al - Saeed University Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 5(1), 123–156. Retrieved from