The importance of the strategic location of the city of Aden and its role in the development of tourism development


  • Dr. Saleh Ali Fadel Al-Salahi Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Economics - Head of the Department of Tourism Economics - College of Economics and Political Science - University of Aden - Yemen.


Strategic - tourism development - cultural heritage


The tourism sector in many countries of the world is considered one of the main economic sectors, that these countries depend on support   their treasury with financial resources from local and hard currencies, and tourism plays an important role in supporting the balance of payments and providing jobs opportunities for many unemployed individuals. Based on that coms the idea of choosing the title of this research starting from the importance of the strategic location of the city of Aden and the role of the international port of Aden as one of the most important sea outlets for Yemen and the second international port since ancient times, as well as the grate wealth of the cultural and civilization heritage since ages, and distinct tourist properties such as historical monuments and the beautiful beaches surrounding it that may not be available in the rest of the other governorates of the Republic. The importance of the economic return of tourism in the governorate is reflected in the appropriate interest in all the tourism potentials previously mentioned, a view that is expected to play a prominent role in the development of tourism in the governorate, which will be reflected positively in strengthening the national economy.



How to Cite

الصلاحي د. ص. (2021). The importance of the strategic location of the city of Aden and its role in the development of tourism development. Al - Saeed University Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 17. Retrieved from