A stylistic study in Diwan (Rhythmic Concerns) by the poet Dr. Sultan Al-Suraimi


  • Dr. Radwan Abdel Halim Ali Al Asoudi Assistant Professor of Stylistics, Department of Arabic Language - College of Education, Science and Arts in Turbah - Taiz University - Yemen


Diwan - Rhythmic Concerns - Semantic Shift


The study aims at  explaining the stylistic phenomena in Sultan Al-Suraimy's collection of poems  "Rhythmic Worries" which is written colloquially. This study consists of four chapters. The first chapter discusses Repetition. The second chapter discusses Semantic Change or Pictorial Change in the  metaphoric description.The third chapter is about Semantic Change in the metonymic figurative image. "The last chapter is entitled Paradox" .



How to Cite

Dr. Radwan, D. R. (2019). A stylistic study in Diwan (Rhythmic Concerns) by the poet Dr. Sultan Al-Suraimi. Al - Saeed University Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 3(1), 15. Retrieved from https://sjhas.alsaeeduni.net/index.php/Journal/article/view/59