Publication Policies
- The journal publishes original, innovative, scholarly researches that represent an original contribution to knowledge and include appropriate citations to the work of others.
- Papers are accepted in Arabic or English.
- Papers submitted to the Journal must contain original work that has been neither previously published nor is it under consideration by another journal.
- Authors should include a separate cover page with the full title of the paper, the author/s full name, author/s affiliation and e-mail address. The author/s name should not appear elsewhere in the paper.
- The journal does not adopt a single style of documentation, given the multiple diversity in the nature of scientific research, both quantitatively and qualitatively, but the main common elements between them are:
- Title: At the first page of the paper.
- Abstract: All papers should have an abstract, in Arabic and in English, not exceeding 150 words.
- Keywords: Keywords are words, phrases, or acronyms that describe the most important aspects of a research paper.
- Introduction: a statement of the purpose of the investigation, a review of the background literature, and an explicit statement of the hypotheses being explored.
- Statement of the problem: It states the problem under investigation in the research paper.
- Method: a description of each step of the investigation, including details about the materials used and the procedures followed, and a full statement of the research design.
- Results: data analysis and a report of the findings according to research questions and hypotheses.
- Discussion: an interpretation of the results and their relationship to the research problem and hypotheses.
- Conclusions & Recommendations: a summary of the most prominent findings, a report of the implications or applications, and plans for future research or possible further research in the area.
- References: A list of references cited in the paper in APA Style 6th
- In applied research, the structure of a research paper would be as follows: Title, Author’s name, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References and Appendix/ices.
- Each paper should be double-spaced in 14 point font (Arabic simplified) with 2-inch margins on all sides.
- The number of pages should do not exceed (25) pages (including references and appendixes).
- All articles submitted for publication in the journal are subject to a peer review process by experts in the field who have agreed to provide an assessment of the article. The names of referees will not be made available to authors.
- The journal welcomes the publication of abstracts of scientific theses, book reviews, translation and presentation, as well as opinions and ideas of a scientific nature that address contemporary problems and issues in the fields of humanities and applied sciences.
- All rights are reserved to the journal.