Job satisfaction among Yemeni Nurses working in Mukalla Governmental and private Hospitals


  • Dr\Yahya Almualm Assistant Professor, Mother, Neonatal and Paediatric Nursing Department, Hadhramout University, Yemen.
  • Prof.Dr\Nawal Banafa Associate Professor, Fundamental Medical Sciences Department, Hadhramout University, Yemen.
  • Prof.Dr\Abdulla Al-Hanshi Associate Professor, Community Health Nursing Department, Hadhramout University, Yemen.
  • Dr \ Muneer Ba-Abbad Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Hadhramout University, Yemen.

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Nurses, governmental hospitals, , Yemen, job satisfaction, private hospitals.


Background: The current nursing shortage is recently a concern in many countries due to its higher  impact upon the efficiency and effectiveness of any healthcare delivery system. Recruitment and retention of nurses are persistent problems associated with job satisfaction. For this reason, the nurse's job satisfaction in governmental and private hospitals for mukalla city-Yemen as a case study was conducted. Aim of this Study: The purpose of this research was to measure nurses' job satisfaction in Mukalla city in a governmental and private hospitals. Setting: The study carried out in Mukalla city -Yemen. Materials and Methods: This study was applied  on  315 (males and females) nurses working in Mukalla  Governmental and private Hospitals. Tools: The main three tools selected to collect all data consist of Personal data of participants, nurse's satisfaction factors.  Design: Survey research (cross sectional) design. Sample: Based on a simple random sample 315 nurses was selected. Results: The result of this study showed that a high percentage of nurses in private hospitals were satisfied while in governmental hospitals were dissatisfied with their jobs. The higher significantly satisfaction was obtained for nurses work  in Private Hospital compared with the Governmental hospitals. These results attributed to some reasons such as the nurses satisfaction with supervision, co-workers and nature of works. Conclusion: There was a higher significantly satisfaction for nurses work  in Private Hospital compared with the Governmental hospitals.




كيفية الاقتباس

Almualm, D., Banafa, P., Al-Hanshi, P., & Ba-Abbad, D. \ M. (2019). Job satisfaction among Yemeni Nurses working in Mukalla Governmental and private Hospitals. مجلة جامعة السعيد للعلوم الانسانية و التطبيقية, 3(2), 10. استرجع في من